You Too Can Get Out of Pain Quickly with Taping in Maple Leaves Spa Center in Dubai | ☎ +971-52-327-1188

You Too Can Get Out of Pain Quickly with Taping in Maple Leaves Spa Center in Dubai | ☎ +971-52-327-1188

The profession of massage therapy is rooted in providing treatment and care for others; but, what about self-care for you, the therapist?
Are you working to prevent common overuse injuries that plague clinicians? How are you providing self-care when injuries do arise?
Many massage therapists’ careers are cut short due to the repetitive physical stressors associated with their work. Thoracic outlet syndrome; carpel tunnel; nerve entrapment; neck pain; low-back pain; and de Quervain’s syndrome, also called tenosynovitis, are some of the most common issues from which massage therapists suffer.
Most often, poor body mechanics are at the root of all of these conditions and can be corrected through simple awareness, changing body positioning or using kinesiology tape.


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