Why Drink Water After Massage? in Maple Leaves - Dubai | ☎ +971-52-327-1188

Why Drink Water After Massage? in Maple Leaves - Dubai | ☎ +971-52-327-1188

Many massage therapists believe1 that “toxins” are “flushed” into the bloodstream by massage and then washed away by drinking extra water after you get off the table. Exactly which toxins and how they are “flushed” by massage or washed away by water is completely unclear to anyone. Many therapists know it’s all rather vague but apply the precautionary principle: drinking water certainly won’t hurt, right? No, probably not (although unnecessary worries about dehydration and over-hydrating are biggers problems than most people realize2).
It’s polite and pleasant to offer post-massage water, but there’s no biological, detoxifying need for it. It’s about on par with a recommendation to “think positively” or “go for a short walk to get your blood moving” — fine things, but tepid medical advice.



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